Voucher can only be used for products in the CPAP Spare Parts category, 1 voucher per user, not valid in combination with other vouchers Discount code on Somnishop

                    "id": "70708549",
                    "title": "Voucher can only be used for products in the CPAP Spare Parts category, 1 voucher per user, not valid in combination with other vouchers",
                    "description": "Voucher can only be used for products in the CPAP Spare Parts category, 1 voucher per user, not valid in combination with other vouchers",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5080.w120.h120.jpg",
                    "code": "may10",
                    "perma": "voucher-can-only-be-used-for-products-in-the-cpap-spare-parts-category-1-voucher-per-user-not-valid-in-combination-with-other-vouchers",
                    "store_perma": "somnishop-co-uk",
                    "url": "/go.php?coupon_id=70708549&code=may10",
                    "store_id": "5080"

shared 2 times

Voucher can only be used for products in the CPAP Spare Parts category, 1 voucher per user, not valid in combination with other vouchers

Voucher can only be used for products in the CPAP Spare Parts category, 1 voucher per user, not valid in combination with other vouchers

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